Where can I fly my drone in the UK and get £5,000,000 Public Liability Insurance cover? Welcome to Drone Scene!

Wondering where you can legally fly your drone? Looking for great places to fly? Looking for £5m Public Liability Insurance cover? Well look no further!

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Portsmouth Harbour added to Coastal Scenery in South East by macspite on 27/12/2021

There is a great place to stand for pictures of ships entering the harbour (see pins) but Gosport doesn't provide so many places to take off when photographing either the naval dockyard, the Gosport side of the harbour or both..

The problem is double yellows on many of the roads. One thing you can do is use the Explosion! Museum car park (and enjoy the museum as well. On the map it is the red building SSW of the pin. I walked from there to the open area of the park to fly a quick mission at dusk on the shortest day of 2021 just so I could check out the area for potential TOAL sites.

Land owner permission requirements unknown.

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Co-ordinates: 50.80811, -1.129328 • what3words: ///foil.rigid.alive

The originator declared that this location was not inside a Flight Restriction Zone at the time of being flown on 21/12/2021. It remains the responsibility of any pilot to check for any changes before flying at the same location.

Where to fly your drone

Burwash Common, Rother (By grandad1950)

A tiny village with a vast recreation ground that gives loads of room to fly.

Sone interesting buildings in the village with a fine old church

Land owner permission requirements unknown.

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Co-ordinates: 50.98808, 0.336963 • what3words: ///lighten.mealtime.spices

The SS Kaffir (shipwreck) (By JoeC)

The SS Kaffir, a Clyde puffer, ran aground just north of Ayr Harbour on September 22nd, 1974. The only member of crew on board at the time was the ship’s engineer, who was rescued, arrested, convicted and imprisoned for piracy :pirate_flag:

Although the wreck itself is outside of the FRZ much of the area is Ayr Port and is fenced off. The best place I found for TOAL (and have marked) is outside the port but inside the FRZ, so I did request (and receive) permission for the flight from Prestwick ATC.

Land owner permission not required.

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Co-ordinates: 55.47324, -4.635286 • what3words: ///replenish.month.captive

Ticehurst, Rother (By grandad1950)

An interesting East Sussex to explore. There is a fine old church, a good collection of independent shops to poke around and lots of room on the recreation ground to fly.

Land owner permission requirements unknown.

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Co-ordinates: 51.04473, 0.41295 • what3words: ///fountain.vine.cools

Cold Hiendley Reservoir, Wakefield (By MickeyMoo)

Beautiful views. Plenty of areas where to take off. Used by walkers. Folk are really friendly and want to know all about drones.

Land owner permission not required.

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Co-ordinates: 53.62737, -1.44816 • what3words: ///providing.bypasses.excavate

Wire Mill Lake, Tandridge (By grandad1950)

I found this place by accident when I was looking for somewhere fun to take my eldest grandson for his 18th birthday in June.

It is a water ski centre that gives lessons so could make a fun day out flying and skiing.

Land owner permission requirements unknown.

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Co-ordinates: 51.15783, -0.045952 • what3words: ///career.sang.others

Pharos Lighthouse, Wyre (By Seadog)

More accurately Upper Pharos Lighthouse, a Grade 2 listed building opened in 1840. Combined with the Lower Pharos Lighthouse provide a leading line for the channel into Fleetwood. I took off from about 12 ft away, adjacent to tram lines (beware overhead power lines for trams) a bench to sit on, close to Fleetwood Ferry tram stop.

Land owner permission requirements unknown.

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Co-ordinates: 53.92732, -3.009031 • what3words: ///sprayed.insolvent.task

Stonepit Fields, Milton Keynes (By G0BYH)

Car parking by entrance, this area is managed by the Parks Trust in Milton Keynes who have a very positive outlook to recreational drone flying.

Land owner permission not required.

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Co-ordinates: 52.07114, -0.769892 • what3words: ///realm.resembles.dollar

Llyn Crafnant, Conwy (By AlbionDrones)

The stunning Llyn Crafnant - Vale of the wild garlic - on the edge of Snowdonia, near Trefiw.

A single track road leads you upwards and deeper into nature before arriving at the Llyn Crafnant car park, from which it is a short uphill walk to the Lake itself. Stunning views, bubbling stream, majestic pines and distant mountain crags, plus some early spring sunshine...

Land owner permission not required.

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Co-ordinates: 53.13253, -3.869913 • what3words: ///encoding.hunk.hairspray

Claverley Park, Tunbridge Wells (By grandad1950)

One of several parks and public open spaces around Royal Tunbridge Wells

Land owner permission requirements unknown.

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Co-ordinates: 51.13054, 0.266665 • what3words: ///shells.assume.result

Hull Bridge, Tikton, East Riding of Yorkshire (By CutThroatJake)

A lovely spot in Tikton near Beverley, between two bridges, road and foot, across the river Hull (that gave Kingston Upon Hull its name)

Land owner permission not required.

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Co-ordinates: 53.86126, -0.397423 • what3words: ///helpers.coverings.improving

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